LBL Ingredient Hacks

13 Aug 2020

Friends, time for some radical honesty - I’m nervous. And no, not only because of what 2020 has turned into. No this time my nervousness is all about Live Below the Line. This year, I’m taking part in LBL for the first time and safe to say, I’m at a bit of a loss. I love cooking, but I’m not particularly good with planning my meals - I get bored eating anything more than two days in a row, and I often resort to takeout. 

Obviously, this won’t fly during LBL week.

So in preparation, I’ve been racking my brain all week and mulling over affordable and versatile ingredients that I won’t get tired of. 

After much thought, I’ve come up with the three pantry must-haves that’ll help make my LBL journey that  little bit easier - and will hopefully help you out too if you’ve been feeling similarly lost.


At 80 cents a can, these are an affordable and tasty source of protein. When paired with a carb, a can will last you at least two serves! 

Canned Tomatoes

Also just 80 cents, a 400g can goes a long way. If portioned correctly, it serves up to 4 helpings of pasta sauce, and even more soup! 


You can get 1 kg of uncooked white rice at coles for $1.40. Although this seems like an awfully large portion of the $2 a day budget, 1 kg of rice makes up about 20 servings. That’s 7 cents for a serving of rice - not too shabby!

Personally, I have these three items in my pantry at any given time, LBL season or not. These are affordable, long-lasting and incredibly versatile ingredients. Not to mention, they are delicious. healthy and vegan-friendly!

To first-time LBLers like me - I hope you take up this challenge. I know it seems intimidating, but with a little planning and perseverance, we can make a difference.

Your nervous but excited LBL hype-woman,
