
We want to be transparent with you.

You’ve likely found yourself on this page because you’re interested in Oaktree’s finances (where it comes from and how it’s spent) or the other stuff like our policies. 

Here at Oaktree, we believe in being upfront and transparent so that you can feel assured when engaging with us. In fact, we believe it so much that we became a member of ACFID and signed their code; holding ourselves to a high standard of compliance and honesty.

Before we get to the good stuff though, one thing we will let you in on is how we measure success. For us, success is not about profit - it’s about our impact.
Measuring impact can be difficult, particularly when there isn’t a direct monetary correlation. To judge our impact, take a look at our mission and our three areas of work: raising awareness, policy change and overseas impact.

You can learn more about our strategic plan and three areas of impact here: 

2023 Annual Report

Money Matters

We know the financials matter! All of our financial history can be found in our financial statement. 

2023 Financial Statement

If you have further questions, get in touch with our team at and we will be happy to explain it all.


But how much do you spend on admin?
Fair enough! We know donors want to see their money being used to fund work that fights injustice. And we agree. But where would we be without investing in our organisation? Investing in admin costs is essential for all NGOs to innovate, and achieve great outcomes for the causes we care about. The idea that the best NGOs have low overhead costs doesn't make sense! Organisations that don’t invest in themselves inevitably stagnate.

Every dollar you donate to Oaktree contributes to the fight against injustice. Through all parts of our work, both here in Australia and overseas, we invest in young people to create change on this issue.

So if you’ve come here to see how much we spend on admin, by all means, take a look. But we ask that you also check out our strategic plan. Read our vision and learn about our outcomes. Because that’s what really counts.